Thursday, May 1, 2008


So most you know that I am a teacher at Ed White High school and there are over 2,000 students that attend the school. I must say that this is a dark place. Today during third period all of my student were out on a field trip so I really didnt have a class during this time. I ended up having two students in my room that I dont even know one of which was just asking for a band aid and I figured that they would go back to class. They began to talk to me and tell about their friends here at school. I found out that they are friends with one of the students of PLBC and then a bother of another one of our students. I began to ask them why they didnt go to church. The brother stated that he had been to PLBC before a few weeks ago and began to name some of the students that attend.(I didn't believe him at first) They started telling me that they dont go to church because one time they went a supposedly got arrested while they were there. Wonder what they were up to? Well, I continued to talk to them trying to figure out a few things about them and then I told them that they needed to go to church to get their life right. Maybe that wasnt the best comment to make but it was and is true. I do hope that they will go to church maybe even PLBC. Just the few minutes that they spent in my room I heard a lot of bad stories about what they have done.(Blows my mnd to know that kids really do that stuff, pretty bad) They are friends with one student that I have been praying for since the beginning of the school year. So, now I add these two boys to my prayer list. Of course I pray for the entire school but I do have specifics that I pray for. So tonight as we meet up at starbucks I now have two more people to pray for. It is wierd that the year is almost over and these two boys came into my room, God is up to something and I cant wait to see what it is. There is nothing accidental or coincidental about God. I pray that God will continue to use me in every area whether it be as a teacher, a friend, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a grandchild, a niece or any other title that I take on; give me the ability to let your light shine so that people may see you Jesus in me.

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