Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Frustration/Strange Feeling

On Sunday Steve Whitcomb preached on circumstances and the fact that God is in control and can change our circumstances instantly. I was reminded about a situation one of our members was in not too long ago. Back around Easter a friend was in the hospital sick (very sick) but one day God gave him a miracle and changed his circumstances. As I sat and listened to Mr. Steve I thought about Sean and how God brought him out of that, and I was so encouraged. So, this brings me to write this in my blog.

The last few days have some what been frustrating to me, I didnt understand why until now. My quiet time just wasnt what I thought or wanted it to be. I feel like I havent really focused on the word or gotten anything out of it. (I thought maybe I am just stressed with it being the end of the year and so much is going on.) Nope that is not it. Yesterday I got an email from a co-worker (speech guy) and he said he had a cd for if he remembered to bring it. Well, he is only here at Ed White for three days Wednesday - Friday. Today is Tuesday and I see him coming out of his office. He stated that he had stopped by to bring me the CD. It hit me then that my frustrations are nothing but myself. I am in awe again at how God works and knows just what I need. I very much a music person and I am so encouraged by his thoughtfulness. So, as I sit here typing this blog I am reminded of how God will put people in our paths to encourage, to challenge, to minister and so many other things. I am reminded of the vision that God gave me a while back and had to ask myself what am I doing to seek after this vision. I feel like my frustration and complacency is because I have stopped seeking God's vision and pursuing what he wants for me. Please pray with me a for me that I will continue to seek God's will and his vision for my life. I hope I am not alone is this feeling and that everyone every once in a while go through the same things.

God I ask that you show me your will in my life, help me to seek the vision that you have given me. I want my life to be a reflection of you. I hope that you allow me to be to some one what Sam was to me today, and encouragement and friend. Thank you for sending Christians into my life and path every day. I also pray for the young man that asked me for money on Saturday, allow him to continue to cross Christians and that if he is not saved show him your Grace and Mercy. Amen.

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