Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Stepping out of the Box

Monday evening a student (from EW) called me and needed to talk about a situation and was asking my advise. I don't know if what I said was the best thing but I think it is her only option. Before the conversation ended I told her that she needed to go to church. funny thing she says that she was thinking about that earlier, but she was afraid that if she went to church every one would stare at her like there was some thing wrong. So, that opened the door for me to tell her that she could come to PL and I would be there and that no one would treat her differently. She then said that she needed to go buy some clothes because she didn't have church clothes, I was happy to explain that we are not that type of church. She so called yesterday and explained that things were looking better and that her cousin even asked to go to church with her, I said more the merrier. I pray that they all show up for church tonight and God just moves in a way that they cant help but to respond. I expect God to do something tonight.

Step out of your box and let God work.

Why I was motivated to do what I did!

A while back (over the summer I think) Aaron and Kevin taught lessons on what motivates us. This message has come to my attention and I am asking what motivated what I did. For the past month I have had a friend of mine of my thoughts and I have done nothing about it. For me it is somewhat strange to pick up the phone and call someone that you haven't talked to you a while and say hey. This past weekend was different, I decided that I was going to send them a text and say hello and let them know that I was thinking about them. I am pretty sure they are not a christian and I feel like God was telling me that I needed to break the ice and say hello. I am now questioning my motives. Did I really do this because God told me to, or because of selfish reasons, do I really miss this person, or is there some other reason. There have been hurt words between myself and this person but there is one little comment that keeps playing over in my head that which maybe the motivating factor for me to call. "I wonder what death is like" Wow, this person is not saved and if they are, they are so far from God that maybe this is God's way of bringing them back to him. I don't know, I just know that God has never left me alone and I don't want to leave my friend alone. I don't want to be motivated by the wrong things in life but yet I cant face the thought of someone I know dying without Jesus. I have been forgiven shouldn't I forgive as well. It may not be a good situation but I believe and know that God is in control. I have to pray Proverbs 3:5-6. I need to trust God. I don't want to mention names because I don't know you all reads this blog but I will nick name them J.Z. please pray for them and the opportunity for me to share the love that Christ as shared with me unconditional, non-judgemental love.

Why are we motivated by so many different things? I only want to be motivated by things that will increase His Kingdom and to show off His glory.

Friday, September 19, 2008


Well, lets just say I couldn't wait to get home so that I could blog about this night. I must say that it was a day that was some what frustrating and discouraging at some point in the day plus I dont think it help that I wasn't feeling well.
Well, God had something great in store for me tonight. As always we started off with music and the band from Trinity was really good. Brian Sheperd brought us the word and wow God really used his mouth. He read from Matthew 26 talking about Jesus praying in the garden before his arrest and how he was asking God was there any other way besides him going to the cross, and said "Not my will but your will". Jesus new what was about to happen to him and was asking for another way but knew that this was God's will. As Christians we tend to think that just because we are Christians that this life is going to be easy and things that we pray for are going to be granted. God shows us through theses passages that is not always true. Jesus explained it in his prayer in the garden Matthew 26:39"My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will." We pray and ask God for things but what we don't think about is what God's will is for what we are praying for. As Christians we are going to be hurt we are going to feel all alone, left out betrayed, we are going to be left heart broken but we need to pray the Christian prayer focusing on God's will and not our own. This is a truth that some people tend to forget but just because we get saved doesn't mean the the path we are on is going to be easy. In fact we are going to continue to face some difficult situations it is how we pray and seek God and how our lives line up with his will. Here is what God spoke specifically to me about tonight. It is not about who is around, who my friends are or aren't, where I am at or who I am with I need to focus on God and God alone. His will for my life needs to be evident in everything I do. So, I said ok God if it is just the two of us so be it, your will not mine. I am so grateful for the message and how God spoke to me. At the end of the message the band got back up there and sand a few more songs and the last two I must say were awesome. I wish I knew the words to them or had the song because I would put it in here but I don't. I can say that I really worshiped tonight in music and in word. God you are awesome and I want my life to line up with yours, not my will but your be done.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

EW Bible Study

This morning was my first time leading a Bible study at my school and I must say God gave me the idea. At first I couldn't think of any thing so I was going to piggy back off of our Wednesday night topic on prayer. Well, God had some thing different in mind. Last night as Kevin was teaching he was reading out of I Samuel 16 and God said this is what I want you to talk to the students about. so, I did. I started off with a question; Have you ever had the thought, there is no way I can do that, what about everything that I have done, I am not good enough for that yeah right me. Then I read Ch. 16:6-13 about the anointing of David as King. The youngest of his brothers, the smallest of his brothers. I explained that when it comes to what God wants for us he is not concerned with our past, our faults, or lack of faith in ourselves God is concerned with our heart and David's heart was in the right place. I told them that because of who God is in us we are very capable of doing whatever God asks of us. We may be a little hesitant and scared but all we need to do is trust that God is in control and everything will be ok.

We had about students this morning which is about three more than we have had and added one more adult. I must say that God really took me out of my comfort zone for this because it was a male teacher that sat with us this morning. For those of you who know me this is something I normally do not do, but God wanted differently. (scary thought) There was a comment about the male teacher being with baptist and him being Presbyterian, I wanted to say well it is not about the affiliation but who and what we believe in but I didn't. I am so grateful for the opportunity and am looking forward to many more lessons taught and learned.

Remember God is not concerned with the outward appearance but he is concerned about our heart, is your heart right with God?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Bible Study at School

Well, I am doing my first Bible study on Thursday here at Ed White. I must say I am very nervous. I have taught before so this shouldnt be hard and I shouldnt be nervous but I am and it is. I am not sure yet what I am going to study for this I know God will give me something to study and discuss. I think the biggest concern is that I only have about 10 minutes to go over some thing. I know God will see me through because He will bring the word. The hardest thing for me is to find some thing to discuss but I know God will reveal himself and give me a verse or more to carry the discussion.

This morning was the first get together of the year and there were two students with three adults.(Not a very good teacher student ratio) I pray that God would double this number for thursday and by the end of the year He has made us move into Houston Hall or even the auditorium because there are so many students showing up. Please pray for me and the group that it will just reflex God's image and over flow into the rest of the school.

We are also starting Fellowship of Christian Athletes. There were twelve students last night that showed up and I pray that they would double as well. I know God is going to do great things at EW this year, I am looking forward to seeing it and hopefully being a part of it.

Monday, September 15, 2008

What to do!

Just now as I let my student out for lunch I walked across the hall to get my and head back to my room when I saw a student that should have been in my room before lunch. (skipping?) Well, he walked by and waved and I called him over. Now let me say that this is a student that has told me he spokes pot but he is trying to quit because he is trying to change his life and of course I am willing to help. So, when he walks over to me I asked him where he had been but he didnt give me a straight anser. His eyes are glassy and red so I tell him to look at me, which he cant do. So I then asked him "why did I just ask you to look at me" he just smiled. I told him that he needed to go home because he was not in the right mind to attend school today. He then told me that it was from earlier this morning. I am shocked but not shocked. I really dont know what to do. The teacher in me says call and turn him in, but the christian in me says I need to help him get clean. This student trusts me and I want him to change because he is able to change and encourage others around him to change as well. I am really stuck as to what to do. I have told the student from day one that there is something special about him. I really want to help him make a difference but at this point I dont know if he really wants the help.

For thos reading this please pray for this student I will give him the name of Mickey. I hope that he will continue to trust me and that I can some how convience him to stop the drugs and get his life right.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sunday School Lesson On Captivating

The Fall of Adam and EVE!
Question one: Where was Adam when Eve was getting ready to sin and eat from the tree? I have read in Genesis and the only thing that it says was that Adam was with Eve but it never says he said anything to Eve. Here was something that I took to heart. At times (more so than not) I am an in control type of person. Here is what captivating says about that. Women like to be in control because of what Adam didnt do, (not to put blame on him) but with this we have the lack of faith and trust in God, therefore we take matters into our own hands. I began to explain to the girls that God is a relational God and He desires a relationship with us. (this was actually last weeks lesson) After Adam Eve ate of the fruit they hid themselves from each other and God because they were ashamed of what they had done as well as what they saw in each other. No matter how much we try there is not way we can hide from God, neither could Adam and Eve. God dealt with them and punished them and to this day we still see the punishment of Adam and Eve. (That is another blog)

At the end of my lesson I talked about about relationships, whether it be family, friends, or dating that first our relationship with God needs to be right before we can focus on other relationships in our life. Trust God with the small things in life because when the big stuff happens it will be easier to Trust God. I also told the girls that first and foremost their relationship with God needed to be the most important and that is what they needed to focus on more than anything. Everything after that will line up according to the WORD.

Read Genesis 2-3

Almost One Year Ago!

The other day it was brought to my attention that it will soon be one year ago October 1 that a former student of mine was murdered. I must say that when I got the news I was devastated. I felt helpless, frustrated and my heart broke for many reasons. This student had been in trouble many times before but yet a few weeks before had made a commitment to get his life right, he would have entered a program to get him clean and off the streets. This happened at a westside apartment complex that in my opinion should be demolished due to the violence it has had over the years. Although he was a troubled young man there was still something special about him and his memory will still be with me.

Here is what my thoughts are about this. As a teacher in a public school I pray everyday that I dont ever have to hear news like this again. I want to make a difference in the lives of my students. I want them to know that I care about them and that I want the best for them. I have so many thoughts about what I want to do but I know it will take help from many different areas of the city of Jacksonville to accomplish this but I am going to start some where. So, why not start with my school. Lets hold a rally where students are talked to and at the end given the choice to let go of the weapons and the drugs with no penalty and then are set up with some form of counseling at the school to ensure that they will continue to be drug free and free from violence. I know I have a long way to go with this but making the first step is the best thing to do.

The challenge for myself is this: I need to speak with the principal to see his thoughts on this. Then from there I am not sure but I have to help some how some way. I see too much of this every day with my students and I dont want to experience hearing another student was killed due to drugs or gang related things. If you feel led, lets work together. Your prayers in this will be greatly appreciated.