Friday, May 9, 2008

Teacher appreciation week!

Ok, so this week is teacher appreciation week in which administration and students do things for teachers to say thanks. I was a little bummed on Wednesday because I had training off school grounds and this was the day the school provided lunch for hte teachers. I was feeling a little left out and unappreciated. :-( I had a little pitty party for myself. This morning when I went to my teacher mailbox to get the things I needed for the day I had a letter from a student. Here is what is read: "Dear Ms. Smith I am just writing this letter to say thank you for being my teacher this year. I know that you pushed us hard becasue you cared about us. You taught me that life was not going to be easy. Plus that you have to work hard to get far in this world. So I am just writing you to say thank you for all your help." After I read that I thought how stupid of me to have felt the way that I felt. I was so appreciative of this student. It made my day. I know that teaching is my calling in life and I love my students even when they drive me to think I need counseling. (Those that know what and who I teacher will understand that comment.)I thank God everyday that he has giving me the ability to teach and care for students the way I do. Without Him I never would have done this. I pray for my students all the time because I know that most of them have a rough home life. I know I have students that are lost and dont believe or believe but dont have a relationship with God. I hope that I am an example to them of the love the God has for them. So

So to all the teachers out in the world, thank you for what you do. One day we will see the lives that we touch and encourage every day.

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