Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Making People Think Before They Speak

Here is a funny story but yet someone serious. As I was walking back to my class after lunch I walked into another teacher's room and as usual we were picking on each other. I guess I some what hit a nerve with one comment and he says "I almost forgot you have christian ears and I almost said something really bad." I was caught off guard. People at work are thinking before they say things around me, wow God is even working in the lives of my co-workers. I have had conversations with some of my co-workers about church and ministry but never did I think it would result in them watching what they say to me or around me. I have their respect, which is hard at time for me to understand. I have asked myself many times if people I come in contact with see Christ in me, am I representing who God is, what am I doing to leave a lasting impression on the people I work with and the students I teach? I guess this was an answer to one of the questions. I dont know what I did or even said to make him not say what he wanted to say but thank God he didnt. I hear the language every day from my students which drives me crazy, which now when they say something they apologize for what they said. So here is a challenge for you. What impression are you leaving on the people you come in contact with? Can they tell you are different, a christian by what you say and your actions? The next time you hear a bad word, or some one uses God's name in vain I challenge you in a polite way to say some thing to them. I have multiple times made comments to students as well as adults about the language they use and I guess today it paid off because this teacher refrained from saying what he thought because I have christian ears.

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