Friday, April 18, 2008

Worship in all ways.

I know people are going to think that I am a little strange but oh well, hopefully you will understand where I am coming from. Last night when I got home from work I decided that I would mow the yard or at least part of it since it is fairly large. So, I got out the lawn mower and then put the head phones on. At first I really wasnt listening to the music because I was really wanting to get most of it done before it got dark. As I moved to the center part of the yard I really started to listen to the words of the song. Many times I listen to music and sing along (sorry for those who can hear me I know it sounds horrible) but never really HEAR the words to the song. Last night I heard the words. I was really worshiping out on the lawn mower. Strange I know but it was good. I started praying that the worship that I experienced at Passion would over flow into my everyday life. I dont want to be caught up with the concern of who is around me or what they think of me. I want to know that I can experience worship with raised hands if I am moved to do so and not be concerned that people are going to look at me strange or think that I am wierd. Can you worship without worry about what people think? If not let me share this with you. God should be our only concern and audience. I sing for an audience of one which is God, I dont need to worry about what other people think of me. True worship is an awesome experience that we should have every day. I Chornicles 16:29. " Ascribe to the LORD the glory due His name; Bring an offering, and come before Him; Worship the LORD in holy array.


Anonymous said...

thats is in your face....... i truly want that thought in my life everyday

TheFiveOneGal said...

Hey Jenny - why sisnt you tell me you blog??