Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Red Birds

A little over a year ago I was dealing with an issue (singleness) and really wanted a sign from that God I would not be single for the rest of my life. Around February of 2007 I started praying I would know that God wasn't going to let me be single for ever so I asked God to show me a red bird. I must say that I didn't see this bird instantly it took some time. I can tell you to this day (4-23-08) I have seen many red birds. The first time I saw the red bird I was on a mission trip (in Georgia helping fix up a church) with the youth of my church. We were outside sitting at a table when across the way I saw the red bird. I was reminded at that point of what I had been praying for as well as the promises that God had made for his Children. That day I knew that God wasn't going to let me be single for ever. The next time I saw the red bird I was at the beach on vacation and the bird flew over me while I was sitting by the pool. (Now how many times do you see a red bird at the beach) Just a few weeks ago I was taking one of my girls home from church and just as she was getting out of the car I saw a red bird fly in front of my car. Then when I was at a retreat with our youth I saw three red birds, thanks Chelsea for pointing them out to me. Then yesterday I was driving down the road to my house and I saw another red bird. I was so excited. Not only does this remind me of the promises God has made but it also reminds me that God is in control and I need to trust Him and wait for His time. God knows what he is doing and will provide just the right man for my life that will compliment and support me the way a godly man should.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey girl,
I feel u girl. That is my prayer too. I think that is so cool that you seeing that the Lord has your back and that he will take care of you. And that some day u will meet to your Prince. Love ya sister. Tracey