Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Almost One Year Ago!

The other day it was brought to my attention that it will soon be one year ago October 1 that a former student of mine was murdered. I must say that when I got the news I was devastated. I felt helpless, frustrated and my heart broke for many reasons. This student had been in trouble many times before but yet a few weeks before had made a commitment to get his life right, he would have entered a program to get him clean and off the streets. This happened at a westside apartment complex that in my opinion should be demolished due to the violence it has had over the years. Although he was a troubled young man there was still something special about him and his memory will still be with me.

Here is what my thoughts are about this. As a teacher in a public school I pray everyday that I dont ever have to hear news like this again. I want to make a difference in the lives of my students. I want them to know that I care about them and that I want the best for them. I have so many thoughts about what I want to do but I know it will take help from many different areas of the city of Jacksonville to accomplish this but I am going to start some where. So, why not start with my school. Lets hold a rally where students are talked to and at the end given the choice to let go of the weapons and the drugs with no penalty and then are set up with some form of counseling at the school to ensure that they will continue to be drug free and free from violence. I know I have a long way to go with this but making the first step is the best thing to do.

The challenge for myself is this: I need to speak with the principal to see his thoughts on this. Then from there I am not sure but I have to help some how some way. I see too much of this every day with my students and I dont want to experience hearing another student was killed due to drugs or gang related things. If you feel led, lets work together. Your prayers in this will be greatly appreciated.

1 comment:

Saying Grace said...

Wow, that is heartbreaking. There is potential in every young life! Surely there must be something that can be done to prevent this from happening. The rally sounds like a great idea. I pray it works out.