Friday, September 19, 2008


Well, lets just say I couldn't wait to get home so that I could blog about this night. I must say that it was a day that was some what frustrating and discouraging at some point in the day plus I dont think it help that I wasn't feeling well.
Well, God had something great in store for me tonight. As always we started off with music and the band from Trinity was really good. Brian Sheperd brought us the word and wow God really used his mouth. He read from Matthew 26 talking about Jesus praying in the garden before his arrest and how he was asking God was there any other way besides him going to the cross, and said "Not my will but your will". Jesus new what was about to happen to him and was asking for another way but knew that this was God's will. As Christians we tend to think that just because we are Christians that this life is going to be easy and things that we pray for are going to be granted. God shows us through theses passages that is not always true. Jesus explained it in his prayer in the garden Matthew 26:39"My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will." We pray and ask God for things but what we don't think about is what God's will is for what we are praying for. As Christians we are going to be hurt we are going to feel all alone, left out betrayed, we are going to be left heart broken but we need to pray the Christian prayer focusing on God's will and not our own. This is a truth that some people tend to forget but just because we get saved doesn't mean the the path we are on is going to be easy. In fact we are going to continue to face some difficult situations it is how we pray and seek God and how our lives line up with his will. Here is what God spoke specifically to me about tonight. It is not about who is around, who my friends are or aren't, where I am at or who I am with I need to focus on God and God alone. His will for my life needs to be evident in everything I do. So, I said ok God if it is just the two of us so be it, your will not mine. I am so grateful for the message and how God spoke to me. At the end of the message the band got back up there and sand a few more songs and the last two I must say were awesome. I wish I knew the words to them or had the song because I would put it in here but I don't. I can say that I really worshiped tonight in music and in word. God you are awesome and I want my life to line up with yours, not my will but your be done.

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