Monday, July 21, 2008

Painting a picture of Christ!

Saturday evening I had gone to dinner with my family. After dinner we went over to my mom and dads. It started raining as we were on our way home and we saw a man and a young child walking in the rain. My sister made this statement "I wish I wasnt scared I would offer him a ride." At that point I said I have an umbrella that we can offer to give him. So we turned around and pulled up next to him and offered him the umbrella. He was hesitant at first to even stop walking and even more hesitant to take the umbrella but he did and put it over the child. I dont know really if this was painting a picture of God or not. I was happy to know that my sister had the first idea. Kevin if you read this your message made an impression on my sister, thank you. I will remember this message and pray that I am painting a picture of Christ in my actions and words.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is, girl! Don't second guess yourself. Don't you think Jesus would've done the same? Love you!!:-)